Tomorrow I'll be celebrating my 23rd Birthday with my two loves. I have been counting the days and I'm so so excited. Even better my husband has off that day, coincidence? I like to call it a pretty awesome Birthday gift from Jesus.
I have been thinking and praying about this new year and season in my life. And I really felt the Lord lay on my heart and soul last week that He wants me to go after the things that will take the most faith for me to do and go for.
He told me that I don't need money or things to accomplish them but only Him and I have Him.
I'm going to be honest and say that I am a girl with so many dreams. I have so many things I want to do and accomplish and I've let fear get in the way.
Fear of my plans not turning out or not having the money, and fear of me not being ready.
But this year and the years to come I'm so done with letting the spirit of fear effect my dreams. God didn't give me the spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)
I have such a heart to encourage. In fact that's one of the reasons I started blogging. But I want to encourage in so many more ways then blogging. I want to do it through my music, books, and more in person.
I want to get my business officially started so that I can remain a stay at home mama for all of my children. I'd really like to start a mommy group. I believe that won't only benefit other children but also my girl as well and me.
But mostly. I want people to see Jesus in me to a new level.. I'm done with people only knowing that I'm a Christian because I say that I am and because I post things on facebook. I want my walk to be so much more powerful then my talk. I want God to use me to shine His light, His power and His love on His children and use me just as He used His disciples many years ago.
This year is the year for me to be a fearless dreamer. To just go after what God has called me to do and go after my dreams.
God wants us to go after the dreams that take the most faith to do because I believe those ones are His favorite.. It's a scary journey for us (particularly me) but I think it's fun for Him because He knows what's going to happen in the end and the impact it will make. He also loves to see us wowed by His awesomeness.. We don't give Him many opportunities to show Himself and if we did I really believe all of our dreams would be fulfilled because Jesus has plans that will prosper us and give us hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
I'm ready. I'm ready to be a fearless dreamer. To be unstoppable and not letting things and even people get in the way. I believe our dreams and passions are on our hearts for a reason. A reason that's meant to impact the world and show the Love of Jesus. God wants us to Dream big and be a fearless one that doesn't use excuses. The enemy just won't know what to do with you then.
I'm so excited to start this new year with a mission as I turn 23. To live the rest of my life as a fearless big dreamer who accomplishes everything she does with God's help and guidance
(Psalm 1:3)
I think it's about time I walk on some water folks. And this year is a perfect year to start.