Monday, February 9, 2015

The Beauty of Second-time Motherhood.

Our life is crazier. 
There's more laundry...lots more.
More dishes.
Less space. 
More exhausting.
More messes.
More coffee.
Less sleep.
And not enough time.

Our three has become four and we're complete.
I must say that I find having two girls incredible fulfilling and rewarding. There is a sense of purpose like no other.

I have found my time to be so much more special. Having kids has helped me say no more and yes to the things that really matter and are important. 

Motherhood inspires me to dig deeper, and to fight harder not just for the things I want but things that I believe in and want to do.

It has inspired me to dream bigger.

Second-time Motherhood in my experience is completely different then the first time Motherhood. I'm more tired, more busy, and getting out of the house has been super difficult and seems impossible some days with making sure they both have diapers, enough wipes, entertainment for Evelynne, snacks, juice, both bags that are stocked plus making sure they're both clean, changed and fed before we leave. However, once we're out and about it gets much easier (sometimes!) And I feel like every time we're getting much better at it.
I'm so much more confident! I much more empowered now to get more of what I want out of life. I no longer doubt myself or questioning if I'm doing things right. I'm so much more relaxed, free and happy despite the juggle and exhaustion that comes with Motherhood. 

I do feel like I have to fight a little harder to still be "Heather"  with all these roles as a wife and mom. During nap I do try to make time for me. Whether it's blogging, crafting or just sitting there in meditation with Jesus. To help me remember who I am and that I'm way more than just a wife and mama. However I love and enjoy these roles more than ever. I feel like they just get better and better with each kid.

I feel like Motherhood just gets better and better with each kid. I really do. Especially because nothing seriously warms the heart more when you see your two little ones loving on each other and savoring that moment as long as you can. I love their bond and their love for each other. I love how Evelynne is the big sister and that she is already crazy in love with Liya and is gentle and protective over her.. As if she knows her duties as an older sister. I love how Liya watches Evelynne. I love how she smiles at Evelynne while she's playing and looks at her intensely while Evelynne's in the room. I love it when Liya looks up to Evelynne when she's talking to her and holding her and I love that the first thing Evelynne asks when she wakes up is "Baby Liylee?" Oh be still my soul.

However,  I believe the hardest adjustment for me after having Liya was how much I miss spending time with My Evelynne all day. It's sometimes hard for me to accept that my time with Evelynne would now involve someone else. And that's okay. But there are definite moments where I miss the amount of time I was able to spend with her where I was  less distracted and trying to juggle everything. I really feel like Leon being off so much in the last month was a gift from God! Because of that it has made it so much easier for Leon and I to have one on one time with Evelynne which has helped all of us so much. I really believe one on one time with each of our girls in so important. Something new that Evelynne and I do is when we go grocery shopping I let her pick out a craft to paint and then we go home and paint it while Liya's napping. And when Leon goes out he always takes Evelynne with him.
 Evelynne loves playing "Mom" now. Everywhere we go she likes to take her baby with her. I plan on making her a baby carrier so she can have everything Moms need.

My postpartum body does look a lot different.. At least to me it does but that's okay. To me it was such a small price to pay for these beauties that call me mom. I've never been a bikini person anyways. However, ever since having Liya I've hated wearing jeans and can't make it through a full day of wearing them. I either change into leggins or yoga pants. Thankfully I can still look stylish in leggings and a cute dress perhaps? I just hope jeans and I aren't breaking up forever! Because I do still love the look of skinny jeans.


  1. Your girls are so beautiful! This post has really been an encouragement to me, as our second baby is arriving in early June. I am starting to savor the alone time with my son even more as I know it's coming to an end! I'm so excited to meet our baby, but it is a bittersweet life change :)

    This is so true and is really something I need to get better at personally: "Having kids has helped me say no more and yes to the things that really matter and are important."

    I pray and ask God to help me discern what to say no and yes to. Busy-ness sucks the joy right out of life and causes me to miss the precious moments of motherhood!

    Congratulations on the new addition to your family. She is precious! #mommymoments
    Amy @

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by friend!

      I'm so blessed and encouraged that this post brought encouragement to you in this season. A major congrats to you.

      I hear the bittersweet part. I LOVE adding to our family and I wouldn't change it for the world. But it does make you miss your one on one time with your oldest. However it does make that time even more special. <3

  2. I love the fact that you set aside a little time for you amidst taking care of your two daughters. That's extremely important, even if it's just a moment from your crazy day, I bet it makes a world of a difference. I admire you for having such gusto and confidence as a mother. I had my first a year ago, and I'm still second guessing myself through some of my days. Your post is encouraging, and it gives me hope that some day, I'll stop the doubts and just trust that I know what's best for my child. Thanks for sharing such an inspiring post!

    1. Thanks so much for your encouraging comment girl. Trust me, I still deal with doubts here and there but I try to remember that God has confidence in me and He's qualified me to raise these kiddos and He has equipped me and he has equipped you too! I'm so blessed that you have found encouragement in this post.

      It really does make a world of difference when I give my oldest that time..We both feel better and none of us are lacking. :)

  3. This post was precious. All the pictures warmed my heart knowing that will be us in just seven weeks. My heart hurts a little thinking about how things will change with Jase too. He always wants to snuggle mommy, or be in mommy's lap (literally in - next to is never enough). I worry often how he will do when this little baby is here and having to share his mama. I also know how much he desires a friend, so I know it will be good at the same time. Just transition I am sure. It's such a difference - one to two. I love how your husband takes Evelynne out with him. What a great idea. I am so glad you wrote this post.

    1. You will love being a mom of 2 girl. It really does get better and better and we get more confident. I just know the transition will be great for the both of you. <3

  4. So precious!

    I have two as well, and it has been so different and even better. I can so understand missing it being just you and your first...I spent some moments grieving the loss of that special time. But it has been so good for my son, and when my daughter is down for a nap, I try and do special things with him like play cars, read books etc.
    Hang in there. It does get easier. I turned away all extra things when my second was born, now that the new year has begun and she's seven months {and I'm getting sleep}, we're back into one activity. But I've still said no to some church things. People may not understand, but my husband and I know it's right for us and our family. You're doing amazingly!

    1. So agree with you girl! Like the bible says God first, husband second, children third and ministry fourth. You're a wise mama. :)

  5. These 2 are adorable!! I have been so nervous to start trying for our second.. I am not sure now how I could handle it!!

    1. Thanks friend, trust me. It does seem intimidating just thinking about it. Especially on the rougher days however, on a lot of days I find Motherhood to be easier and more fulfilling with two. Evie (my oldest) is so much more occupied. :) Thanks so much for visiting :)

  6. Stopping by from the link up. Thank you for this. Our #2 is coming in July and I can only imagine how life will change...not to mention it's a boy. We've become very comfortable with being"girl" parents these past two years and I'm a little nervous about such a huge (and wonderful) change. It's going to get very interesting...

    1. That's so exciting Kristy!! I'm so happy and excited for you.. I can totally feel you though. The thought of having a boy terrifies me a bit too because I'm so used to little ladies and hair bows and dresses. But I know I'll be ready to have a son when that time comes. :)

  7. There truly is nothing quite so fulfilling as being a mother. Thank you for sharing this post.


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