Monday, May 11, 2015

She is enough. Week one.

I planned for day one to be about how we are called to Motherhood and how we are anointed for such a time as this to raise our little ones. But this morning as I was pouring my first cup of coffee to sip on before my girls woke up I kept hearing the word "You are enough"

Am I really enough? Knowing this and accepting this is something I have struggled so much with even to this day. I mean I know what the scriptures say, I know it in my mind but maybe I struggle with this because I have not yet believed it in my heart. So our first week of this devotional we are talking about being enough because it's something that I believe all of us moms young and old have struggled with.

Growing up I've always lived in a certain pattern. The pattern of striving to be good enough. Good enough for my parents, my older siblings, my friends and most of all God. Every good deed I did, every vowel I made was done in hopes that God just might love me a little more.

When I got into a relationship with Leon it became a unhealthy one for me at first because my only thought was " I'd do  anything for him to love me more!" I didn't think I was enough for him and I'd often wonder what I could do to change that.

Now that I'm a mom the thought often comes back at least once a week and more so when it's a super long week ":Am I enough for my kids" I do struggle with certain things.  Organization in some things (which I find crazy considering I'm a religious daily planner), making sure Evelynne has a veggie at every meal, and I admit sometimes she does watch too much TV..  Sometimes I choose the faults in my life as a Daughter of God, wife and mom to be my identity and not my identity in Christ. Which is why I often wonder "Am I really good enough?" But you know what? I'm not a daughter of God because of the things I've done or who I am but Because of what Jesus did and who He is. I'm not a wife and mom because I deserve to be one. I'm a wife and mom because our God is a loving Father who loves to bless His children with Good gifts.

Daughters, Wives, Moms. It's time. It's time we stop listening to the enemy as he gives us reasons to believe the lies that we're not good enough or qualified enough to be a victor in Motherhood but instead it's time we listen to Our Father. The one we call God. After all it was His Son He sent to die for You! He let heaven go bankrupt so  that He could have a personal relationship with you. That right there should tell us something..
I'm starting to believe that maybe Satan knows our identity in Christ as well and he's terrified by that and that's why he tries his hardest to make us insecure by throwing faults at us and I believe he targets moms most of all because we're the ones raising the generation to come. There's the saying "The hand who rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world".

My desire is to raise our generation a generation after the heart of God.. A strong generation that doesn't believe in not being good enough but instead they choose to believe Jesus is enough for them and that's all that matters.

Sisters. It's time we stop believing the lie and making it our identity. Everything that lie was is dead and we are new a creation in Christ.

We are never too much and we are always enough. We are God's masterpiece, the apple of His eye and He is so proud of us. And you know what? He's with us in Motherhood and He won't leave us. He's there for us  constantly supplying everything we need to be the best mom He has created us to be.


  1. Thank you I too struggle with this such wise inspiring words

  2. This is such a struggle for me, too. Thank you for sharing this, Heather!
    Amy @


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